Friday, 16 December 2011

Describing people's personality

Hello there,

here's some ideas to develop your vocabulary and learn new ways to describe people's personality. You know, saying "He's nice" is sometimes just not enough.

  1. Adjective hangman
  2. Match the two halves
  3. Match the two halves - 2
  4. Match the definition with the word
  5. Gap-fill with adjectives
Now, another famous non-native speaker of English.

To finish, some activities for you to try and (hopefully) understand the "Perfect Tenses"

  1. Present Perfect or Past Simple?
  2. Present Perfect Continuous.
  1. Past Perfect. Complete the text.
  2. Match the two halves
  3. Past Perfect in Reported Speech.
  4. Past or Past Perfect?
  5. Past Perfect Continuous
  1. Future Perfect

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